6 thoughts on “Hello!”

  1. Please advise if an intervention is sometimes appropriate for a life-long family member who compulsively lies out of a need to impress or manipulate? My brother-in-law, whom I have known for over 40 years, is this person, and he has alienated my husband and several of his 5 children through his lies. My husband and I are very fond of our two youngest nieces, ages 12 and 14 years, and are afraid of losing contact with them if we challenge their father very often on his lies.
    At the same time, we don’t want to be poor role models for the nieces by not challenging some of their father’s more overt lies, as their mother has done for decades. The girls seem to recognize their father’s lying tendencies, and are distressed by it. We feel we are sometimes accomplices in his lies by not speaking up, and have observed their mother allowing truly outrageous statements by her husband to go unchallenged in front of the girls — a very worrisome role model for these adolescent girls. If you feel that an intervention might be helpful, can you recommend a therapist or other professional in the Los Angeles area for assistance? Thanks.

  2. I had been working with someone in 2008 on providing me tools to stop lying. During the treatment things were going well. I stopped going in 2011 and not to long after I began lying again. Now I have got myself into a problem were one of my lies has been uncovered and it has hurt my wife to the point that she is talking very seriously about leaving me and taking my 5 year old and 11 month old son away. I have reached the bottom and I need help regardless of what happens.

  3. My son seems to be a compulsive liar. He knows that he will be caught and yet he is helpless. I have reasoned with him hundreds of times and with love and anger made him understand the harm he causes to himself and the entire family. Yet keeps lying for no reason. He at times presents even forged documents to hide or prolong some thing which he has to accomplish.

    He is at the same time very generous and considerate towards others and loves to help people.
    He is aged 36 years, is married and has two daughters and a son.
    The trauma is unbearable for the entire family.

    He does not do it for cheating people for any material gain.

  4. this is my husband all over ,i have known him ten years been with him 6 and every time i find out about a elaborate lie he says it will stop ,even when the relationship is almost over he will continue … I really have no trust left but have two children with him but how can anyone be with a compulsive liar?

  5. I am a compulsive liar and I need help. I want and need therapy. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


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